Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Symbols had their first show back in Australia after doing a tour of the Neotrash scene in England.
They supported the mighty This Killed Jonbenet at the old "Watch Tower" and the show was amazing. The other support bands killed it last night as well. NCCR's Jebediah Grim from Sydney set the stage on fire as always and Pocket Rocket from Canberra where also fucking amazing...that third song into the set was awesome by the way boys and girls (Get it recorded quickly please).

For Symbols grab a copy of the demo here:
For Jebediah Grim grab a copy here:

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


We are so excited to present AMENOMINAKANUSHI - AZUM Abstract compositions from Okinawan based Neo-trash GOD Haruto Kurihara from Neo-trash band MATSUNAGAVSGOD. If your a fan of noisemusic/ambient or even Japanese noise ledgend Merzbow go grab yourself a copy here:

ESP records re-release NEOTRASH classic THE BUGS - HAHAHA It's All A Fucking Joke

ESP have re-released this Neo-trash all time classic album today I'm so excited to get to hear this again in all it's insane glory. THE BUGS - HAHAHA IT'S ALL A FUCKING JOKE is one of my all time favourite neo-trash albums and I strobgly suggest if your into bands like THE LOCUST then get over to The Bugs Bandcamp or to the ESP Bandcamp and have yourself a listen.
Seriously this album is fucking amazing.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

PO;JK - Fim Dos Dias - Part One

Some awesome news just dropped out of camp Enter Starplanet.
They have as of today Re-released the Neotrash classic PO;JK - Fim Dos Dias - Part One.
This is one of my favorite albums of all time and you can grab a copy here at the ESP bandcamp:

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

MYayumi XX show in TOKYO 07/27/2016

NCCR's own MYayumi XX played an amazing set in Tokyo tonight supporting Neotrash Gods KANEDA and MATSUNAGAVSGOD. Awesome to see that the Japanese underground is alive and well. Thanks to Kaneda and Matsunagavsgod for giving her an opening slot.

Download MYayumi XX's growing catalogue here: